+ Middle School Championships
DATE: February 19, 2025
VENUE: SANDWICH FAIR GROUNDS, Center Sandwich, New Hampshire (behind Post Office at the tennis courts).
SCHEDULE & FORMAT: 4km Individual Freestyle Race begins at 10:00am
3x.75k Freestyle relay race to follow (subject to change)
HOST: Inter-Lakes Middle High School
RACE DIRECTOR: Steve Olafsen (obrnh1@gmail.com)
ELIGIBLE GRADES: Grades 5 through 8
REGISTRATION: Due by 5:00PM on February 13, 2025 (Thursday prior to race). CLICK THIS LINK to open a spreadsheet that contains team rosters. Then find your school tab and complete column J (skier seed by ability) and column K (the school each skier attends). If you have any problems registering your skiers, please email Chris Naimie at cenaimie@gmail.com
FEES: $10 per racer (Invoice & Payment Details Linked Here).
RUNNING ORDERS: Posted on www.webscorer.com, at these direct links: GIRLS & BOYS
QUESTIONS?: Reach out to someone on the race committee via email: Steve Olafsen at obrnh1@gmail.com, Rachel Bartlett at rachel.bartlett@interlakes.org, and/or Lynne Hart at lfhart12@gmail.com
Pre-Race Coaches Meeting
MS Nordic Champs Coaches Meeting
Monday, February 10 · 6:00 – 6:30pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/gvx-hgnc-wnt
Or dial: (US) +1 262-394-3192 PIN: 901 409 821#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/gvx-hgnc-wnt?pin=6815904748963
Race Day Schedule
Registration opens at 8:30AM
NORDIC CAFE opens at 10:00AM
Individual Races: 10:00AM* and 11:00AM*, *Which gender races first changes each year. Even years, Boys are first. Odd years Girls race first (ie: 2025 girls will go first).
Relay Races: 1:15PM* (A relay) and 1:30PM* (A relay) 1:45PM (B Relays-boys/girls together)
Raffle: 2:30PM
Awards: 2:45PM
Scoring will be top 4 individuals (girls/boys) per school (displacing after four), along with the relay points for your A teams. All schools will score regardless of the number of skiers on their team. Racers will score for the school they attend.
Technical information
Racers who miss their start will be on the clock from their original start time.
Racers must ski for the school they attend or district they reside.
Grooming will take place between the Main Race and the Relay Race. Please yield to groomer.
RELAY: Register your relay team(s) at the REGISTRATION table on race day. 3 member teams. Only one A team per gender/school, all others, as well as mixed gender teams will race in B relay, no limit.
General information
Middle School Champs has a great Food Booth, (The NORDIC CAFE) with hot and cold drinks, home made soups, sandwiches, brownies, hot dogs, snacks, etc.
Parking - please follow attendants directions. Parking is available at the Town Hall, the two Churches and the upper lot behind the Library. Buses will park next to the Library lot.